Shelterbelt Removal

Shelterbelt Removal: An Overview and Data

Fact Sheets

Shelterbelt removal fact sheets are available for each of the five soil zones in Saskatchewan. 

(Please click on the fact sheet you would like to view)

Belt-ReT Tool

The Shelterbelt Removal Tool (Belt-ReT) is an easy-to-use, interactive information system designed to provide you with the only available, extensive, and customized shelterbelt removal inventory data for your location. The output charts and values of the Belt-ReT tool are intended to help you investigate the at-risk shelterbelt designs subjected to recent removals during 2008-2016 by land managers. This tool is intended to assist you in your management decisions about your existing shelterbelts, as well as to plan the designs for your future shelterbelts, based on these unique data for at-risk shelterbelt designs identified by land managers in your area. These are the ONLY data depicting recent shelterbelt removals in the country. 

The Belt-ReT tool estimates carbon stocks and lengths for all removed shelterbelts (2008-2016). As shown in the Chart outputs (pie and bar charts below) of the Belt-ReT tool, the carbon stocks and lengths are estimated for the following combinations of removed shelterbelt characteristics:

  • two shelterbelt types (farm=farm yard; field= crop field),
  • three species groups (C=coniferous (pine, spruce); D=deciduous (ash, maple, poplar); S=shrub (caragana))
  • three condition groups (G=good (>80% of trees remaining); F=fair (50-80% of trees remaining); P=poor (<50% of trees remaining))
  • three width categories (N=narrow (1-row); M=medium (2-3 rows); W=wide (>3 rows))
  • four planting designs (Bracket; L-shape; Linear; other)
  • six planting directions (E-W=east-west; NE-SW=northeast-southwest; N-S=north-south; SE-NW=southeast-northwest; etc.)
  • seven planting length groups (0-50 m; 51-100 m; 101-200 m; 201-400 m; 401-800 m; 801-1600 m; >1601 m)
  • seven age groups (in 2016) (0-10 yr; 11-20 yr; 21-30 yr; 31-40 yr; 41-50 yr; 51-60 yr; >61 yr)

The Belt-ReT tool is accessible for any location in agricultural Saskatchewan through the cluster links below (GRAY buttons within the CLUSTER box). If you need to determine your cluster ID, then please go to this mapping application.

  1. Then, click on a GRAY button to select your desired shelterbelt removal category or group. The Belt-ReT tool will estimate removal data and update the charts based only on your selection, while excluding all other categories and groups.
  2. To select more than one GRAY buttons – hold the CTRL key on your keyboard – while clicking on multiple shelterbelt categories or groups.
  3. To RESET your selection for any shelterbelt removal category or group – Click on the top-right icon (resembling a funnel next to a red x-symbol) located above the gray buttons for that category or group.


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