Afforestation Publications
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Boreal Forest Studies
Pierrat, Z., Nehemy, M.F., Roy, A., Magney, T., Parazoo, N.C., Laroque, C.P., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Grossmann, K., Bowling, D.R., Seibt, U., Ramirez, A., Johnson, B., Helgason, W., Barr, A., and Stutz, J., 2021. Tower-based remote sensing reveals mechanisms behind a two-phased spring transition in a mixed-species boreal forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.
C. Pappas, J. Maillet, S.Rakowski, J.L. Baltzer A.G. Barr, T. A. Black, S. Fatichi, C.P. Laroque, A.M. Matheny, A.R.O. Sonnentag, T. Zha, 2020. Aboveground tree growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest carbon input. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Mamet, S.D., Brown, C.D., Trant, A.J., Laroque, C.P. 2019 Shifting global Larix distributions: northern expansion and southern retraction as species respond to changing climate. Journal of Biogeography 46(1): 30–44.20.
Biomass Energy Crops
Amichev, B.Y., Hangs, R.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2011. A novel approach to simulate growth of multi-stem willow in bioenergy production systems with a simple process-based model (3PG). Biomass and Bioenergy 35: 473-488.
Amichev, B.Y., Werner, A.K., Smyth, C., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2011. The carbon implications of large-scale afforestation of agriculturally marginal land with short-rotation willow in Saskatchewan. Global Change Biology and Bioenergy 3: 70-87.
Corredor, A.H., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Vujanovic, W. 2012. Changes in root-associated fungal assemblages within newly established clonal biomass plantations of Salix spp.. Forest Ecology and Management 282: 105-114.
Ens, J.A., Farrel, R.E., and Bélanger, N. 2009. Rapid biomass estimation using optical stem density of willow (Salix spp.) grown in short rotation. Biomass and Bioenergy 33: 174-179.
Ens, J.A., Farrel, R.E., and Bélanger, N. 2013. Early effects of afforestation with willow (Salix purpurea, ‘Hotel’) on soil carbon and nutrient availability. Forests 4: 137-154.
Hangs, R.D., Schoenau, J.J., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2012. A novel pre-treatment for rapidly separating willow roots from high clay content soil. Biomass and Bioenergy 46: 793-800.
Hangs, R.D., Schoenau, J.J., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Knight, J.D. 2012. The effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and use efficiency of two willow (Salix spp.) biomass energy varieties. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92: 563-575.
Hangs, R.D., Schoenau, J.J., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Steppuhn, H. 2011. Examining the salt tolerance of willow (Salix spp.) bioenergy species for use on salt-affected agricultural lands. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91: 509-517.
Hangs, R.D., Van Rees, K.C.J., Schoenau, J.J., and Guo, X. 2011. A simple technique for estimating above-ground biomass in short-rotation willow plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 35: 2156-2162.
Hangs, R.D., Stevenson, F.C., Schoenau, J.J., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2013. Measuring harvestable biomass in short-rotation willow bioenergy plantations using light attenuation. BioEnergy Research 6: 83-90.
Moukoumi, J., Farrel, R.E., Van Rees, K.C.J., Hynes, R.K., and Bélanger, N. 2012. Intercropping Caragana arborescens with Salix miyabeana to satisfy nitrogen demand and maximize growth. BioEnergy Research 5: 719-732.
Hangs, R.D., Schoenau, J.J., Van Rees, K.C.J., Bélanger, N., and Volk, T. 2014. Leaf litter decomposition and nutrient-release characteristics of several willow varieties within short-rotation coppice plantations in Saskatchewan, Canada. BioEnergy Research 10.1007/s12155-014-9431-y
Hangs, R.D., Schoenau, J.J., Van Rees, K.C.J., Bélanger, N., Volk, T., and Jensen, T. 2014. First rotation biomass production and nutrient cycling within short-rotation coppice willow plantations in Saskatchewan, Canada. BioEnergy Research 10.1007/s12155-014-9452-6
Hybrid poplar
Amichev, B.Y., Johnston, M., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2010. Hybrid poplar growth in bioenergy production systems: Biomass prediction with a simple process-based model (3PG). Biomass and Bioenergy 34: 687-702.
Block, R.M.A., Knight, J.D, Booth, N.W.H., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2009. Nursery stock type, nitrogen fertilization and shoot pruning effects on the growth of juvenile hybrid poplar in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 89: 289-301.
Block, R.M.A., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Knight, J.D. 2006. A review of fine root dynamics in Populus plantations. Agroforestry Systems 67: 73-84.
Gunderson, J.J., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2008. Relating hybrid poplar fine root production, soil nutrients and hydrocarbon contamination. Bioremediation Journal. 12: 156-167.
Gunderson, J.J., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2007. Impact of ectomycorrhizal colonization of hybrid poplar on the remediation of diesel-contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Qualilty. 36: 927-934.
Kabba, B.S., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2011. Modelling nitrogen uptake for hybrid poplar under weed competing conditions. Forest Ecology and Management. 262: 131-138.
Kabba, B.S., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2007. Growth of hybrid poplar as affected by dandelion and quackgrass competition. Plant and Soil. 298: 203-217.
Welham, C., Van Rees, K.C.J., Seely, B., and Kimmins, H. 2007. Projected long-term productivity in Saskatchewan hybrid poplar plantations-weed competition and fertilizer effects. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 356-370.