Note: please click on any poster title to view the full poster.
Biomass energy crops
Amichev, B., Hangs, R., and Van Rees, K. 2009. A Novel Approach to Simulate Growth of Multi-Stem Willow Species with a Simple Process-Based Model (3PG). Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Ens, J., Farrell, R.E., and Bélanger, N. 2009. Greenhouse Gas Flus from Soils as a Response to Willow (Salix spp.) Plantation Establishment. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Ens, J., Farrell, R.E., and Bélanger, N. 2009. Rapid Biomass Estimation of Short Rotation Woody Crops via Optical Stem Density: A Trial Using Willow (Salix spp.). Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Hangs, R., Van Rees, K., and Schoenau, J. 2009. Evaluating Different Techniques for Estimating Biomass in Short-Rotation Willow Plantations. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Hangs, R.D., Van Rees, K.C.J., Bélanger, N., Farrell, R., Scoles, G., Vujanovic, V., and Grant, R. 2007. Willow Research Program at the University of Saskatchewan. Environmental Applications of Poplar and Willow International Poplar Commission Working Party Workshop. Montreal, QC.
Hosseini-N, Z., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Vujanovic, V. 2009. Fungal Biodiversity on Leaves and Stems of Willow. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Jackson, D., Amichev, B., Volk, T., and Van Rees, K. 2009. First Year Growth Results After Coppicing for Willow Plantations at Four Sites in Saskatchewan. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Konecsni, S. and Van Rees, K. 2009. Fertilization of Willow Bioenergy Cropping Systems in Saskatchewan, Canada. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Ngantcha, A.C. and Scoles, G.J. 2009. DNA Fingerprinting and Assessment of Genetic Diversity Among Thirty-five Biomass Willow Clones. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Stadnyk, C. and Van Rees, K. 2009. Examining Root Dynamics of Willow Plantations in Saskatchewan. Willow Crops: Research Update and Opportunity Program. Saskatoon, SK.
Jackson, D.H. and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2006. Development of Conifer Plantations for Intensive Forest Management. Saskatchewan Forestry Centre Conference: Deriving Diversity on the Farm through Agroforestry. Saskatoon, SK.
Pinno, B.D., White, L., Friesen, S., and Bélanger, N. 2006. Can tree plantations increase ecosystem carbon in the black soil zone of Saskatchewan? Canadian Society of Soil Science Annual Meetings. Banff, AB.
Worley, A.J. and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2006. Soil Properties of Afforested Land Compared to Arable Land. Saskatchewan Forestry Centre Conference: Deriving Diversity on the Farm through Agroforestry. Saskatoon, SK.
Hybrid poplar
Block, R.M.A., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Knight, J.D. 2005. Belowground Carbon Sequestration by Roots in Hybrid Poplar Plantations. BIOCAP Canada Conference: Capturing Canada’s Green Advantage Biosphere Solutions for Climate Change and the Economy. Kingston, ON.
Van Rees, K.C.J. and Bélanger, N. 2005. Historical Perspective of Afforestation in Saskatchewan. BIOCAP Canada Conference: Capturing Canada’s Green Advantage Biosphere Solutions for Climate Change and the Economy. Kingston, ON.
Kabba, B.S., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2005. Growth of Hybrid Poplar as Affected by Dandelion and Quackgrass Competition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT.
Kabba, B.S., Knight, J.D., and Van Rees, K.C.J. 2006. Soil Supply and Nutrient Demand (SSAND) Model – Tool for Predicting N Uptake for Hybrid Poplar in Competition with Weeds. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Indianapolis, IN.
Block, R.M.A., Van Rees, K.C.J., and Knight, J.D. 2006. Fine-root Dynamics in Hybrid Poplar Plantations in Saskatchewan . Saskatchewan Forestry Centre Conference: Deriving Diversity on the Farm through Agroforestry. Saskatoon, SK.