Weed Control
Weed Control for 2003
- Glyphosate (2.5 L/ha) applied by Environmist sprayer in June and July
- Linuron (4 kg/ha) applied ‘U’ boom sprayer on Oct 15-16/03
- Tandem disc in June and July and August (Culbert only)
Weed Control for 2004
- Glyphosate (Transorb) at 2 L/ac for winter annuals and dandelion May 27/04
- Glyphosate (Transorb) at 2 L /ac for dandelion June 23/04
- Glyphosate (Transorb) at 1.5 L/ac for annuals and dandelion Aug 4/04
- Clopyralid (Lontrel) at 0.8 L/ac on re-established cuttings Aug 5-6/04
- Glyphosate (Transorb) 3 L/ac for quackgrass May 17/04
- Fluazifop-p-butyl (Venture) at 0.8 L/ac for quackgrass June 2/04
- Glyphosate (Transorb) at 1.5 L/ac for annuals June 22/04
- Glyphosate (1.5 L/ac) for annuals Aug 10/04
- Clopyralid (Lontrel) at 0.8 L/ac on re-established cuttings Aug 11-12/04