Student Theses


Amadi, C. 2016. Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Planted Shelterbelts and Adjacent Cropped Fields. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Davis, E. 2012. Dendrochronology in the Canadian Prairies: Evaluating the Usefulness of Shelterbelt Species Now and in the Future. B.Sc. Honours Thesis. Department of Geography and Environment, Mount Allison University.  

Dhillon, G. 2016. Sequestration and Characterization of Soil Organic Carbon for Shelterbelt Agroforestry Systems in Saskatchewan. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Mood, B. 2013. Dendroecology of White Spruce (Picea Glauca [Moench] Voss) in Southern Saskatchewan. B.Sc. Honours Thesis. Department of Geography and Environment, Mount Allison University.

Rempel, J. 2015. Costs, Benefits, and Barriers to the Adoption and Retention of Shelterbelts in Prairie Agriculture as Identified by Saskatchewan Producers. M.E.S. Thesis. School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.

Rudd, L. 2020. Carbon Life Cycle Assessment of Shelterbelts in Saskatchewan. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.

Biomass Energy Crops

Benfield, D. 2007. Producing Willow as a Biomass Energy Feedstock. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Corredor, A.H. 2011. Ecological and Molecular Studies of Fungal Communities Associated with Roots of Salix spp. Grown Under High Density. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Ens, J.A. 2012. Short Rotation Culture of Willow Clones Across Canada: Growth Requirements and Implications for Soil nutrients and Greenhouse Gas Balances. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Konecsni, S.M. 2010. Fertilization of Willow Bioenergy Cropping Systems in Saskatchewan, Canada. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Ngantcha, A.C. 2010. DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Relationships Among Willow (Salix spp.). M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan.

Stadnyk, C.S. 2010. Root Dynamics and Carbon Accumulation of Six Willow Clones in Saskatchewan. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Hangs, R.D. 2013. Biomass production and nutrient cycling in short-rotation coppice willow (Salix spp.) bioenergy plantations in Saskatchewan, Canada. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Forest Ecology

Worley, A.J. 2006. Soil Properties of Afforested Land Compared to Arable Land. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Hybrid Poplar

Booth, N.W.H. 2008. Nitrogen Fertilization of Hybrid Poplar. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Gunderson, J. 2006. The Effect of Hydrocarbon Contamination and Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Poplar Fine Root Dynamics. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Jaster, M. 2005. Growth of Hybrid Poplar on Soils with Varying pH and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Kalcsits, L.A. 2008. Exploring How Temperature Affects Dormancy Induction and Cold Acclimation Initiation in Hybrid Poplar. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan.

Labach, A.M. 2007. Growth Dynamics and Nutrition of Hybrid Poplars in Response to Herbicide and Fertilizer Application. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Pinno, B.D. 2008. Site Productivity of Poplars in Canada: Relationships with Soil Properties and Competition Intensity. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Singh, K.B. 2008. Nutrient Uptake by Hybrid Poplar in Competition with Weed Species Under Growth Chamber and Field Conditions Using the Soils Supply and Nutrient Demand (SSAND) Model. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.

Steckler, M.K. 2007. Nutrient Cycling in Hybrid Poplar Stands in Saskatchewan: Implications for Long-Term Productivity. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan.