FAQ: Getting Trees

FAQ: Getting Trees

  • There are a number of species that are recommended for planting in your shelterbelt. Through decades-long work with landowners, researchers at the Agroforestry Development Centre at Indian Head, SK compiled the species list provided in the document below.
  • Before ordering your shelterbelt trees, please make sure to carefully consider the following tree characteristics:
  1. Mature height
  2. Lifespan
  3. Moisture requirements
  4. Growth rate
  5. Salt tolerance
  6. Potential spread by seed or suckers
  • Also listed in the document below is the recommended minimum spacing (i.e., distance between trees within a shelterbelt row), and the number of trees required to plant 1-km-long and 1-mile-long shelterbelt.

Click here to view and/or save the document provided by researchers at the Agroforestry Development Centre. 

  • We compiled a list of several shelterbelt tree sources for your convenience in the table below.
  • Make sure that you call your source ahead of time to inquire about tree availability, potential delays, and delivery dates before your planned shelterbelt planting.
  • New sources for shelterbelt trees: If you know of another reputable place to buy shelterbelt trees, please consider sharing it with us – we will add it to the list to benefit other landowners. You can submit your suggestions by clicking here.

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